Rep. Steve Scalise: When Eric Holder, other Dems call for violence, that’s a direct threat to our democracy

  • Ashley Kavanaugh, Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s wife and his daughters received multiple credible threats.
  • Dana Loesch, NRA spokeswoman, received death threats against her children on Twitter.
  • Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., received such a threatening phone call that the man has now been indicted.
  • Jamie Gardner, wife of Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., wife, received a text of a beheading after the vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh.
  • Several Republican Senators had their personal information, including home addresses, posted to Wikipedia for threatening purposes by a Democrat House staffer.
  • Congressman Clay Higgins (R-La.) received threatening phone calls that led to a man’s arrest.
  • Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kent., and his wife Kelly Paul have both received credible threats that have led to arrests.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife, as well as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, were chased out of restaurants.
  • Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by protesters and harassed out of a DC restaurant.
  • Rudy Peters, a Republican California Congressional candidate, was nearly stabbed while campaigning.
  • My office has continued to receive threats against my life that have led to arrests.
  • A female pro-life activist was violently assaulted by a man that has now been found guilty of eight counts of assault for this and similar incidents.